Simplified Guide to Deploying Your Backend on Azure

Deploying your backend to Azure can be straightforward if you follow these simple steps. Here’s a concise guide to get your backend up and running on Azure App Service.

Step-by-Step Deployment

1. Authenticate with Azure

Begin by logging into Azure from your terminal:

az login

2. Create an App Service Plan

Set up your App Service plan:

az appservice plan create --name YourPlanName --resource-group YourResourceGroup --sku FREE

Replace YourPlanName and YourResourceGroup with your desired plan name and resource group respectively.

3. Create a Web App

Create your web application with the appropriate runtime:

az webapp create --resource-group YourResourceGroup --plan YourPlanName --name YourAppName --runtime "java:17:Java SE:17"

Ensure to replace YourResourceGroup, YourPlanName, and YourAppName with your specific details.

4. Configure App Settings

Set up your application settings, including database connection strings:

az webapp config appsettings set --name YourAppName --resource-group YourResourceGroup --settings PGSQL_DB=db-name PGSQL_PWD=your-password

Modify YourAppName, YourResourceGroup, db-name, and your-password accordingly.

5. Enable Logging

Configure logging for your application for better monitoring and debugging:

az webapp log config --name YourAppName --resource-group YourResourceGroup --application-logging filesystem --level verbose

6. View Logs in Real-Time

To monitor logs in real-time, use:

az webapp log tail --name YourAppName --resource-group YourResourceGroup

7. Deploy Your Application

Deploy your JAR file to Azure:

az webapp deploy --resource-group YourResourceGroup --name YourAppName --src-path PathToYourJarFile --type jar

Replace PathToYourJarFile with the absolute path to your JAR file.

Note: Before deploying, ensure you have your JAR file ready by running:

mvn clean package

8. Confirm Logging Configuration

Double-check that your logging is set up correctly:

az webapp log config --name YourAppName --resource-group YourResourceGroup --application-logging filesystem --level verbose

Wrapping Up

And that’s it! Your backend should now be deployed on Azure. Remember to replace placeholders with your actual resource names and paths. Happy coding!